Monday, July 9, 2012

Watched by Cindy M. Hogan

Watched by Cindy M. Hogan
Goodreads Synopsis:
It takes more than a school trip to Washington, D.C. to change fifteen-year-old Christy's life. It takes murder.A witness to the brutal slaying of a Senator's aide, Christy finds herself watched not only by the killers and the FBI, but also by two hot boys.She discovers that if she can't help the FBI, who want to protect her, it will cost her and her new friends their lives.
Christina's Guest Review:
I will admit I got this book as a free gift ebook for buying another book. I thought I wouldn't enjoy it. I don't usually like suspenseful books. I started it and couldn't put it down. There are some gruesome parts and details. When the synopsis says brutal slaying, it really is brutal. I think that other books that are similar to Cindy Hogan's would be worse though. She tones it down so you don't have terrible images stuck in your head.
I read it straight through and when I was done I went looking for more. Luckily she had written a sequel so I got to continue reading! The book has two boys that like one girl like so many other books out there lately! It seems like every girl out there in fiction land has to decide between two boys! So different from most reality.

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