Saturday, February 11, 2012

Being The Mom by Emily Watts

On the back cover:


Actually, they're both real. You're likeliest to catch Family One for about three hours on Sunday or on a few other special occasions. The rest of the time, look for Family Two. We're happy either way.
In Being the Mom, you'll learn some practical strategies for building a strong family that can be comfortable in a variety of situations. Beyond that, you'll figure out how to keep your sanity when all about you are losing theirs.
Most of all, you'll find that with a lot of love and a good sense of humor to provide perspective, "being the mom" can be done lots of ways. Your way may just be better than you thought!"

As a mom, I know first hand how hard things can be and how tough times can get. I got this book in a time when I was truly struggling and felt I must be the worst mom in the world.

Emily Watts made me laugh and understand that being a mom is so different for everyone. She reminded me not to compare myself to others. I am doing the best I can, just as they are.

Here are a few of the chapter titles;

"Instead of Acquiring More Things, Use the Things You Have More Creatively."

"Know When to Holler for Help."

"Remember That the Years Fly By, Even though Some of the Days Are Mighty Long."

Little ideas like not feeling bad for having store-bought pre-made meals in the freezer for the times when you don't have time to cook or just don't feel like it. It is great to make things from scratch...and it is okay to NOT make things from scratch.

This book is full of Emily's great sense of humor and the humility she has learned over years of mothering.

Great book! Definitely four stars earned!


Heather said...

I'm going to have to go check this one out! Being the mom is tough sometimes! It's nice to be reminded that it's tough for everyone and that it's ok to cut ourselves some slack. Thanks for the great review!

Jillian said...

This sounds great. We all could use some help, even if we feel like we're doing great. Thanks for the great review... Want to share your copy? lol

Rosenbalm Photography said...

Yep, I'll send it your way! :)