About Us

You can read Misty's reviews bright and early Monday morning.  She reads and reviews our Romance and Speculative fiction titles.  Misty typically enjoys books that have some element of romance in them.  She is an author and is currently promoting her book, Daughter of Helaman.

Jillian is the mother of one rambunctious little boy!  When she's not chasing him around, she writes our Tuesday review, reviewing YA and Sci-Fi/Fantasy.  Jillian loves to both read and write.  She is currently revising her first novel, Gifts of Time.

Heather writes our Wednesday review.  With three young daughters who share our love of reading, Heather reads what they're reading, Juvenile and Middle Grade literature, and reviews it for us.  When Heather is not reading you could probably find her camping with her family (and you could probably find a book and a reading light tucked into her sleeping bag!).  They love to fish, hike, and take pictures of the beautiful Utah mountains.

Mandi posts her review of our Mystery/Suspense novels on Thursdays.  Mandi loves to write, read, spend time outdoors, and collect rocks.  She is the author of The Alias, an LDS suspense novel published by Bonneville Books.

And if you're a reader of Women's fiction, you will enjoy Laura's Friday reviews.  She is a prolific reader and has a clear idea of what is out there and what is worth reading.  She also has an insightful opinion of good Christian fiction, including LDS fiction.  Laura is supermom, raising two young boys while working full time and staying active with her church and family.

Jennifer is a mom of three great kids. She works full time outside of the home, running around in circles most days. She loves to bake, read, quilt, play sports and take long naps. She enjoys editing and reviewing books and has loved reading since just a girl.  Check out Jennifer's reviews on Saturdays.